Monday, February 22, 2010

Holly + Thomas (+ One) 2.18.10

This was my first ever maternity shoot, and it was with my great friend Holly.
Though the shoot was impromptu, the shots mostly turned out well.
9 days and counting until arrival!


See next photo for the cause of that gorgeous grin.

It's a classic shot. I couldn't resist.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Art Night 2.9.10

I've initiated an art night at my place. The first one was last night. 
Plenty of paint and wine meant hours of pouring out. (Paint on canvas not wine on floor.)
It was nice to dive into an alternate medium for a bit.

We had Ray Lamontagne playing on vinyl, 
low lights, and some sweet sweet Riesling.

Candles, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Paint water w/ brushes, and Henry's work.

Crayola Watercolor: my choice medium

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Michelle 2.8.10

Yesterday I did the "winter half" of Michelle's senior photos. 
It was hella chilly so we had to improvise with indoor lighting locations. 
Thank goodness for college campuses.

Michelle was seriously a trooper. I was multi-layered with gloves, and she was as good as bare.

Like *thumbs up*

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Well 2.7.10

These are some shots from my church in Manhattan. 
They rent out the Wareham every Sunday, set up all the chairs, sound equipment, etc., and tear down. 
Creatively, God's is making many developments in the community,
and the Spirit is in general causing awesome things with the people of the Well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fischer 1.30.10

Fischer has been working on an new album, 
and I had the honor of doing their cover photography. 
Here's a preview.

What a lovely bunch.


Kelley: Vocals and Guitar, Megan: Vocals, and Levi: Percussion