Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello, Goodbye! (Or Goodbye, Hello)

Well, here it is. The final post for Emma Highfill Photography. I would cry a tear, but it is actually way cool that this blog is ending so I'm not even mad, it's amazing! In light of that, we will keep things short and sweet. Oh how I hate long goodbyes.

Toot your horn. Honk if you love Jesus. Buckle up. Watch out for deer.

Image courtesy of

Say "Hello!" to Rose Wheat Photography. See my new blog HERE!

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Brand, Blogging, and Life In General

Hello my blog-followers!

First of all, let me apologize for being slightly absent from my blog for the past ..... oh, well, I will just let you look at the previous post so you can figure out how long I have been gone. We will let my shame speak for itself. Know, however, that I have had a darn good reason. That reason is (get ready) ....... I have a new brand coming! Maybe you are not quite as excited as I am, but I am stinking excited, like... jumping around, dreaming about doing cartwheels (because I lack the innate ability that apparently all others that I know have), writing graffiti in bathrooms (but not).

All that goes to say, get ready. It's going to be fabulous. That is also my excuse for not posting any of my recent shoots. I have been greedy and holding them back so I can make a grand entrance on a date undisclosed. Please forgive me. To make it up to you, I will stop charging you to view my blog. ...

Why the branding/name change? Well, if you have been following my facebook page, you would know that I got hitched. Whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!?! I know, right. It happened back in January, and it meant a much-needed name change for my business. Once the web-site is up and the blog is rolling, I'll direct you to the new place where you can find Emma Wheatley's ( photography. Get ready. Pumped. Supa-psyched. Go bonkers.

Just because you're worth it, here's a preview of Saturday's wedding. Give Becky & Danny a shout-out of my facebook page to let them know how gooood they look.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Down Time ::: Personal

There was some downtime at home, and my roommate's son was being particularly cute, so I busted out the camera. John (the baby), decided his mother's knees were quality slobbering material, which you will see below. Between slobber-soaked knees and toothless smiles, everyone had a good. It was almost a given. Seriously, how can you resist this face?

This is one of my favorites from the afternoon. It's just oh-so-peaceful.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Storey June ::: Baby Portraits

About a year and a half ago, before this blog even existed, I took this little beauty's sister's photos. Last month, I got the honor of photographing little Storey June at the ripe age of 2 weeks. It was such a precious time, and she was a (mostly) compliant model.

Now, remember I said mostly. We started off with tears.

Eventually, though, the adequate amount mommy powers were used to soothe her.

Originally, the basket was an epic, tear-filled fail. After a couple attempts, though, she conveyed rest.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Siders ::: Family

Some good friends of mine recently had a kid. Those friends just happen to be the ones that I'm blogging about and recently photographed. Funny how that works.

They have presented to the world extraordinarily tiny and cute John David Siders. He's probably one of the coolest kids I know. Ok, no doubt, he is one of the coolest kids I know. It's rare that I see someone rock a dino on his onesie like little John David does. See for yourself, as the proof is in the pudding (or shall I say "portraits").
 Sarah and I took some more intimate home shots later.
 I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that if this guy's face were plastered on billboards all over the world, all wars and fighting would cease. Seriously, how could someone hold a grudge after they've melted from seeing such cuteness? Not possible.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lindsay + Jarred ::: Wedding

Lindsay's brothers each gave her a framed photo of the two of them when they were little.
The photos were accompanied by handwritten letters.
 Flower girl love.
 These two are just so gorgeous.
 Post-ceremony Mom-hugs. They're the best.
 IImpromptu father-daughter dance.